
Migranters syn på skatter?

Som del av det internationella forskningsprojektet, “Fiscal Citizenship in Migrant Societies” (läs mer om projektet i länken) undersöker vi hur nyanlända till Sverige ser på skatt. Skatt är en viktig del av samhället och skatter påverkar våra liv på många sätt. Men forskningen vet mycket lite om hur migranter ser på skatt.

30 nyanlända kommer att intervjuas med utgångspunkten av sin syn på skatt. Skatt kan vara jättekomplicerat men i denna intervju finns inga rätt eller fel svar. Vi är alltså intresserade av vad de intervjuade tycker om skatt. Intervjuerna kommer att vara helt anonymiserade. Forskningsprojektet finansieras av Nordic Tax Research Council.

Taxes touch our lives in many ways and our willingness to contribute through paying taxes, understood in our project as “fiscal citizenship”, is complicated. All countries have a fiscal culture i.e. social norms around paying taxes and ‘tax morale’ or how citizens feel about paying taxes. Our comparative project will address this important issue in a study that comprises Canada, Germany and the UK and that includes the impact of demographic change in the form of migration, on established taxpaying norms.

It is surprising that we currently know little about the relationships between citizenship, migration and fiscal citizenship, which means that tax systems and collection policies may not be designed in the most efficient way. Over the last 3 – 4 decades, Canada, Germany and the UK have each experienced a large influx of migrants from a wide range of other countries, each with their own fiscal culture. These changes in the make-up of our societies inevitably impact on fiscal citizenship. Newcomers bring with them experiences of their home countries and may not readily adapt to the new fiscal culture, which itself may need to modernise to be more inclusive. This has implications not only for tax authorities trying to collect tax as best they can, but also for existing citizens who may experience a change in their own willingness to pay taxes.

Over the course of the project, we will seek the views of a wide range of participants through surveys, interviews, and experiments in each of our three countries to improve our understanding about national fiscal citizenship. The project’s interdisciplinary research agenda will interest scholars and policymakers working on issues related to migration, fiscal citizenship, and the intersection between the two. Read more about the project …

Vad är beskattning? Är det statens stulna intäkter, moraliska handlingar eller medborgarnas betalning för offentliga tjänster? Att studera beskattning öppnar upp en mångfald av viktiga samhällsfrågor: relationen mellan stat och medborgare; pengar, arbete och ägande; samhällelig rättvisa; fördelningspolitik; och balanserandet mellan vad som är individens ansvar och samhällets. Vårt internationella nätverk ämnar skapa ett innovativt forskningsprojekt baserat på aktuell etnografi av fiskala kulturer, skattefokuserade stater och individens medverkan runt vår fantastiska värld. 

Vårt samarbete baseras på etnografi från hela världen och utmanar gränserna för antropologisk kunskap om staten, byråkrati, pengar och moralisk ekonomi. Vi bidrar med etnografisk kunskap till den tvärdisciplinära forskningen om nutida skattestrukturer och ämnar delta i debatter avseende moral, praktiker och föreställningar om beskattning.

”Skapa skattebetalare” är ett forskningsinitieringsprojekt jag tillsammans med Nicolette Makovicky, Oxford University, arrangerade 2019-2022, finansierat av Riksbankens jubileumsfond . Mer spännande läsning finns på Anthropology of Tax. En artikel i Skattenytt sammanfattar vårt forskningsperspektiv.

As part of an interdisciplinary project with behavioural economists at the research and policy institute ISET-PI in Tbilisi, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork of a so-called tax lottery in Georgia. Engaging with Georgians from all walks of life including the Armenian minority revealed a number of interesting perspectives on citizens relation to a state—described as distrustful at best. This project also showed that quick fixes to tax compliance is fickle; it is indeed a lottery. Read our report

Co-producing Tax Compliance. Tax Agencies Mobilization of Citizens, Businesses and Third parties was the largest work package in the Horizon 2020 funded project FairTax (no. 649439, running 2015-2019). Our work package described, analyzed and evaluated the OECD promoted “Co-operative compliance” programmes in four Nordic countries. The co-operative compliance way of working has become a core concern and way of organizing the relation between tax authorities and large multinational corporation in many countries. In the name of efficiency and increased compliance do tax administrations engage taxpayers before tax statements are delivered and control systems take over. The Nordic countries are considered similar and so were the co-operative compliance programmes that were implemented in each country, yet the outcomes were very different. Focusing our research on the experiences and practices of the various projects, we compared the national programmes on a conceptual level. We could thus explain why certain programmes worked and which did not. The research took on a fiscal anthropological approach engaging with various stakeholders: tax administrations and large corporations, but also tax advisors as well as interest organisations that have an impact on tax policy in practice. The result are published in national reports – Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden – and the final comparative study of the Nordic countries.

We also verified our results with those of the Netherlands, UK and the US  in a collaborative policy recommendation “Taxing Large Businesses: Co-operative compliance in action.

Algorithms as Devices of Power and Valuation

The Algorithm Studies Network explored the social aspects of algorithms in everyday life, business, government, and science. The network brought together internationally renowned researchers from varying disciplines. The central theme for the workshops was the increasing importance of algorithms in society, and the social transformations that this implies. Our point of departure is that algorithms embody certain choices of what to include and exclude, what to value and what to disregard. Through their output and functioning, algorithms come to classify, hierarchize, value and shape different social phenomena, often well beyond their initial aims. Algorithms are in dire need of careful analysis, since their social consequences are equally pervasive as they are invisible. Not studying them therefore poses serious risks for our understanding of technodemocracy. One result from this network was the special issue Algorithmic Normativities published in Big Data & Society

An international summer school for graduate students was organized on the theme in 2016.

This network was created in collaboration with Francis Lee, Chalmers University and funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond 2014-2016.

The Fiscal State and Social Citizenship – Theorizing taxation from socio-cultural perspectives

We explored the social and cultural implications of the tax, taxation process and fiscal policies in the Nordic countries in order to broaden the understanding of how taxes impact society, organizations, and/or people’s everyday lives. Two interdisciplinary workshops were arranged with researchers interested in the study of taxation and public finance from social perspectives. This network was created in collaboration with Åsa Gunnarsson, Umeå University and funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond 2013-2014. One result of this network initiation was the Horizon2020 funded project FairTax.

Two studies were conducted that in each their way addresses values and practices at the Agency. The first study focuses on taxation of service exchanges and how the border is constructed between the private and the public domains. The result is published as ”’Common sense’ at the Swedish Tax Agency. Transactional dimensions separating taxable and tax-free income”. In the article are values identified that define the taxable trade from the helping hand. In the second study I followed a risk assessment project from farm to fork, carried out by the Swedish Tax Agency. Through participant observation, ethnographic interviews and document studies, the focus is on the Tax Agency’s internal research practices, the values that govern its (re-)making of policy and how it is implemented in their daily audit work. The book ”Shaping Taxpayers: Values in action at the Swedish Tax Agency”  was published by Berghahn Books. The project was funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2011-2014)